I am trying to connect my Windows XP Pro workstation to a PC5020 panel (3.22) using a PCLink regular connector and the DLS 2002 software.When I try to. Combat Flight Simulator. Realistic simulation of military aircraft, tanks, ground vehicles, navy ships, world war two vehicles, trains and ships. Free download includes the Caucasus region and Black Sea that encompasses much of Georgia. It Including a Russian Sukhoi Su-25T ground attack aircraft and the famous WWII North American TF-51D fighter. Over 25 fighter jet aircraft for PC Gaming.test.

Dsc Pc Link Software Download For Pc Windows 7

For Programming DSC Alarm Panels with DLS Software
Device 1
Pin Number
Device 1
Pin Name
DirectionDevice 2
Pin Number
Device 2
Pin Name
Description (may be empty)
2RDReceive4Serial Output Serial Data from Alarm Panel - Red wire
3TDTransmit1Serial Input Serial Data to Alarm Panel - Yellow Wire
4DTRTransmitNC Jumper to DSR
5SGGround2Ground Signal Ground - Black
5SGGround3Ground Signal Ground - Black
6DSRReceiveNC Jumper to DTR

The Pin red and yellow may be inverted, the pin number 1 is the red and in the table Device 2 is set as 4, the Mini-Molex has the pin 1 in the red wire location?

Connect the Molex to the PC-Link connector on the alarm panels main board. Connect it so that the red wire is directly beside the 'SO' printed on the circuit board.

Dsc Pc Link Software Downloads

Dsc Pc Link Software Download

You will also need the DSC software. This will not work with just a ordinary comm. program

Dsc Pc Link Cable

Wire colors at the header are immaterial since the PC-LINK is sold as a small circuit board with a female header, and any other implementation could use arbitrary colors. It is possible to connect the header wrong, which causes the SI and SO connections to be swapped. A silk-screened bar appears on the alarm board to suggest how to orient the header (so the header board is next to the silk-screened bar. Pin 1 of the header is the SI connection, pin 4 is the SO connection. SI and SO appear on some alarm boards next to the header, but not all boards have that.