Nov 04, 2019 To reveal the formatting symbols, go to the ribbon and select Home. In the Paragraph group, select Show Formatting Symbols (the icon looks like a paragraph mark). The formatting symbols appear in the document and each symbol is represented by a specific mark: Spaces display as dots. On the Review tab, go to Tracking and select Show Markup. Do one of the following: Select the type of change that you want to display. For example, select Comments, Insertions and Deletions, or Formatting.

To use Reveal Formatting, select the text for which you want to view the formatting informationand press Shift+F1.

The Reveal Formatting pane will open:

  • To view the formatting on a word, click on the word
  • To view the formatting on more than one word of the text, select the text fragment

Another, more long way to open the Reveal Formatting pane:

1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click thedialog box launcher:

2. In the Styles pane, click the Style Inspector button:

3. In the Style Inspector dialog box, click the RevealFormatting button:

See also this tip in French:Comment analyser la mise en forme du texte rapidement en utilisant le volet de RΓ©vΓ©ler la mise en forme.

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