RPG Character Generator PCGen helps you build characters for role-playing games like Pathfinder and D&D. It's like a character sheet that handles all the tricky and tedious parts of building characters. You can use it to build one character for yourself, or to keep track of a dozen NPCs for a game world. Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rule, Inc., but has seen many new versions and expansions since. In Dungeons & Dragons each player plays as a fictional character with various traits and statistics determined at the start and throughout the game.

Creation of a character for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ involves several steps. Although traditional Dungeons & Dragons™ rule books have always listed race before class, it is our experience that most players (especially new players) are much more interested in and informed about the selection of class. Therefore, we have placed classes first, along with which races can pursue them, explaining the races thereafter. Note that each choice may limit subsequent options; for example, no class is available to all races, and some classes, even a few sub-races, are limited in alignment options. If at any time the player feels that the character he is creating is not what he wants to play, he may scrap the character and begin again. No effort has been made to secure the approval of any interested party in the publication of this web site, which does quote heavily from the copyrighted works of those persons. It is not my intent to infringe upon their rights, but rather to organize and compile a portion of their material in a format which will be useful for players and referees in the specific task of preparing to play the game. The information here is of no use to anyone who does not have access to the books from which it is drawn, and it is my expectation that anyone not having those books will find them necessary if this material is to be of any use at all. Put another way, I quote from copyrighted material so that you will realize how necessary that material is to the Dungeons & Dragons™ game. The first edition of the game for which this site was designed is out of print; the material is in large part compatible with the second edition. It is considerably less useful with the new third edition. The webmaster recommends seeking the first edition rules from used book stores and the used books sections of game and hobby stores or downloading the electronic versions from Wizards of the Coast.

The steps which will be followed in the character creation process are listed here, and linked from here, as well as linked from each other. No character will require information at every step, as several steps are specific to a particular race, sub-race, or class.

Hundreds of you have been using this site, but I know little about you--whence are you coming, do you keep coming back. I think the site is complete--but maybe there's something you need to have posted here that I've overlooked. Let me know how I can help.

0 Preliminary Notes.
1 Player Name and Phone Number.
2 Character Class.
3 Character Race and Gender.
4 Alignment.
5 Ability Scores.
6 Score Adjustments.
7 Family Information, Oriental Ancestry and Honor.
8 Hit Points.
9 Height and Weight.
10 Weapon Proficiencies.
11 Age and Birth Date.
12 Previous Skills.
13 Viking Gifts.
14 Deity.
15 Natural Psionics.
16 Psionicist Disciplines.
17 Non-weapon Proficiencies.
18 Spells.
19 Money.
20 Equipment.
21 Character Name.
22 Character Symbol.
23 Folder.
24 Referee additions.
-|- Other Links of Interest

The site which inspired this site....

M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials
Collection of such pages as the much-praised Alignment Quiz, What is an RPG? (excerpted from Multiverser), the highly valued Confessions of a Dungeons & Dragons™ Addict, along with special rules and player aids in both written and computer formats, this site was highly praised by RAWS, linked by Gary Gygax, and is worth a look even if you don't like what you found here.

The best new role playing game....

The Multiverser Information Center
The complexity of creating a D&D character always reminds me of how much simpler it is to play
Multiverser®, the game which incorporates all other games, all other worlds, everything imaginable, with nothing else to buy.

A consideration of time travel....

Temporal Anomalies in Popular Movies
There are enough time travel films out there now that most of the things which could go wrong in time have been shown on the silver screen. This page applies a new conception of how time works (discussed in the
Multiverser® game system to help referees sort out game scenarios in which player characters travel in time) to unraveling the most popular of such movies. An Event Horizon Hot Spot and Sci Fi Weekly Site of the Week which has won the author national recognition as an authority on time travel in fiction.

Other writings by the author....

Index to the Pages of M. J. Young
An eclectic collection of materials which includes RPG stories, commentary on law and Bible, song lyrics, and indices to material all over the web.

For your added enlightenment....

Other Links of Interest
Pages related to Dungeons & Dragons, role playing games, and more.
M. J. Young Net

Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition Pdf Free

Dungeons & Dragons S PECULATIVE
HANDBOOK OF 5E “v0.02, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 4E, Vista Edition”
designed to be as close an experience as possible to Tom Hanks classic 'Mazes and Monsters' – Vanir 'Not intended for Actual Play'
FOR USE WITH 1ST, 2ND , 3RD, 3.5TH AND 4TH EDITION Kim Jong-Il • Dave Matthews • Illustrations by Jack Chick
C REDITS Speculative Handbook 5e Rule Sources All the good people from #ihate5e on twitter, in alphabetical order: 926Moms, Bobzilla, Canageek, DMingNicholas, DarthVayne, DaveTheGame, Destrin, Dragonshaos, ErinPalette, GatorGames, Hungry, JBMannon, JaeGamer, JesterOC, JoeyD473, KJToo, Kalyr, KattDavs, MacGuffen, Milambus, NMcCoy, PatricioJones, Redkun, Robotkarateman, RyanMarinoff, Saliana, Sanastar, Saracenus, Siliconwolf, SlatzG, SnowRaven, Thiefofhearts, Valgrind, WeNeedtheXP, WolfStar76, allgeektout, apearlma, asmor, barsoomcore, bartoneus, brianrjames, cadorette, cartoonlad, casseytoi, cbpye, chgowiz, criticalhits, dalcher, dansich, direflail, ditransitive, dmyax, drcheard, dscleaver, e2thej, eddiecurrent, edrondol, forager23, fxguy1969, gaborcsigas, geekmojo, geeksdreamgirl, gefahrmaus, gregbilsland, greywulf, iHate5e, jatori, jesperalm, jimanda2, joshroby, jrients, just, kcboschert, kensanata, killed, kynn, madbrewlabs, majyc, mana_junkie, mccoo1, merb101, mikemearls, mleger, mmaranda, mudbunny74, newbiedm, oddysey, paizo, panthera_onca, phaezen, philsouza, pookie_uk, ravenx99, redartifice, reimbursement, revlazaro, rosspayton, shingo42, spell?!?!, strangeasangels, suddenly, tangdynasty, thedicebag, topwebcomics, tracyvwilson, trollsmyth, ve4grm, wmlaros, zientek
Speculative Handbook 5e Author Daan van Yperen [email protected] http://blog.mostlyoriginal.net Additional Design KattDavs - 'Power Gamer' monster
F OREWORD “What is this book? Why are you dressed kinda satanic? What are you writing down? Go away! Shoo. Stop stalking me! Aaaaahhhhh police, help!” -- Rossane Barr By using this book you are obligated to burn all your previous editions of Dungeons and Dragons, any d20 books, any any competitors books (look for the burn permit and instructions how to build a burn barrel at the end of this book). This book is laced with a remote controlled plastic explosive, which we will detonate upon release of 6e- or when you bend a rule. You are granted one personal license to use this book. Letting anyone else read it might turn them to dust. Siliconwolf RPGA has been given full police powers to enter any home and make sure all characters conform to the rules as written. By reading this license you agree to hand over your firstborn child AND your soul. You are subject to a chromosome test before you are allowed to use this book. Some of the reagents you need for spells might be illegal to buy in Ohio. Book printed in smearing ink. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT BLOG.MOSTLYORIGINAL.NET
C ONTENTS Credits....................2 Foreword.................2 Contents........................3 Introduction....................4 What?.........................4 How?..........................4 Origins?......................4 Is this a joke? Can I really play this?..........4 Starting a game.............5 Prerequisites...............5 You Need:...............5 Optional:.................5 How do you play?...........6 This Rulebook.............6 Goals..........................6 Roleplaying.................6 Character Creation.........7 Dice............................7 Ability Scores..............7 Character Gender.......7 Character Races.........8 Percentile Race:..........8 Character Classes......9 Class Generic Changes ...................................9 Deities......................10 Alignment.................10 Adventuring.................11
Skills.........................11 Bluff......................11 Diplomacy.............11 Animal Handling. . .11 Using Skills/Powers/Feats.. .11 Spells........................12 Fireball..................12 Raise Dead...........12 Eq