
Blender 3D is the best open-source, free-to-use design tool in the market. It features all the necessary features that designers require to go through the entire design process. This includes 3D modeling, sculpting, animation, rigging, motion capture, and rendering.

  1. Reset Origin Tool For Mac
  2. Reset Origin Tool On Pc
  3. Reset Origin Tool Mac

The origin is where the tool is going to start the job. To compound the confusion, in our example (and in many projects you’ll run into), the origin is in the bottom left, and the design (where the tool will actual cut) is not exactly on the origin. In fact, the design is set away from the origin in both the X and Y axis. Just a quick workaround for when Origin downloads keep resetting.


Along with these features, Blender 3D also supports APIs, which means developers can also modify the tool and add in new features and functionalities.

Reset Origin Tool For Mac

Every design tool has its own unique interface and when it comes to Blender 3D, the most underrated and also the most useful feature is the 3D cursor. The 3D cursor determines where new elements are added in the design file and this is extremely useful when you are working on a large file or a large enironment concept.

Sometimes, when we are using the 3D cursor, we may tend to misplace the 3D cursor, and its better in such cases that you reset the 3D cursor and then decide the next course of action.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to reset the 3D cursor on Blender 3D.

Step 1. Open the Blender 3D application on your Desktop/Laptop.

Step 2. Create a new file and save it with an appropriate name.

Step 3. Left-Click on the default cube and delete it using the ‘X‘ key on the keyboard.

Step 4. The red crosshair that you see at the center of the workspace is the 3D cursor.

Step 5.Click on the ‘Cursor‘ button on the left-hand toolbar.

Reset origin tool download mac

Step 6. Left Click anywhere on the workspace to make the 3D cursor.

Step 7. Press the ‘SHIFT+S‘ keys on the keyboard to reveal a quick menu.

Reset origin tool windows

Step 8. Now,


Reset Origin Tool On Pc

If you want to reset the cursor to the nearest grid point, click on the ‘Cursor to Grid‘ option.

If you want to reset the cursor to the center of the workspace, click on the ‘Cursor to World Origin‘ option.

Reset Origin Tool Mac

The 3D cursor will now be reset in the Blender 3D workspace.